Vertimill,Vertical Grinding mill Machine for Sale
Vertical Grinding mill is a stirred media mill consisting of a vertical cylinder with a relatively slow-speed screw media agitator. The vertical mill is most often used for concentrate regrind applications with a typical feed size of around 100 to 300 Pm and typical products of 100 to 15 Pm. Finer products are possible with the use of suitable media. These mills predominantly use steel ball media ranging in size from 40 mm to 6 mm, and are also capable of using cast pebble media such as “cylpebs” or “power pebs,” which become economically attractive for media sizes less then 25 mm. The low impellor speed aids in reducing component wear but results in a large mill size and volume. These mills are predominantly wet mills. The finest grinds in commercial applications grind down to approximately 80% passing 12 Pm, but with suitable media, sub-5-Pm grinds have been obtained in pilot installations at comparable efficiencies to other stirred media mills.

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Tags: Vertical Grinding millvertical milling machine manufacturersVertimill Mill
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