Autogenous Mill Grinding Machine for Sale

This type of mill consists of a large diameter, short length cylinder fitted with lifting bars. The cylinder is fed with a coarse feedstock of up to 250mm in size and in rotating the feedstock is lifted and then allowed to drop through a significant height. Three significant mechanisms cause the breakdown of the mineral; impact due to the fall of the mineral onto the charge below causes a reduction in the size of the feedstock; attrition of smaller particles between larger grinding bodies; abrasion or rubbing off of particles from the larger bodies. Steel or ceramic balls are often added to aid with the reduction process (the mill is then referred to as a semi-autogenous mill). The process can be carried out wet or dry. Removal of the final product can be carried out using air (where the process is dry) removing only the fines. Rotational speed is usually fairly low, about 80% of critical speed (critical speed is the speed at which the charge will be pinned to the rotating drum and does not drop) and typical drum diameter ranges from 2 to 10 metres. This type of mill is often used as a single stage process, providing sufficient size reduction in a single process. Alternatively, it can be part of a two stage process where further size reduction is required.
This type of mill is only suited to certain kinds of mineral - one which has a fairly coarse nature but once it is broken will disintegrate readily into a small size. In certain circumstances this type of mill can deliver a product with a fineness of less than 0.1mm. Testing is required beforehand to determine the suitability of a mineral for processing in an autogenous mill.
Suitable minerals such as copper Iron ore , Phosphate , Limestone , Bauxite , Slags , Uranium, Niobium ores, etc. This type of mill has the distinct advantage of accepting coarse feedstock and supplying a relatively fine finished product, often sufficient as an end product. This can provide a reduction in plant costs if a single mill is used as a substitute for two or more stages.
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Tags: Autogenous Mill Grinding MachineAG Grinding Machine
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